

The Heil® Difference

Heil® Heating and Cooling Products are designed for quality, energy efficiency and reliability to deliver the total home comfort you can expect from Heil Heating & Cooling Products.

When you choose Heil® heating and cooling equipment, you’re choosing enhanced dependability and innovation in home comfort combined with the latest in engineering and technology. Our products are designed to deliver the best in quality, energy efficiency and reliability, and each is 100% run tested. 

Energy Savings

Heil® products are made with energy efficiency in mind. If your units are 10–15 years old, you may be paying an extra 20% or more than you need to for your heating and cooling.

Newer products are governed by higher energy efficiency standards created by the Department of Energy (DOE), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promotes high efficiency products through its ENERGY STAR® program.

All Heil heating and cooling products currently meet or exceed the DOE minimum efficiency standards. We offer ultra-high efficiency products that exceed the minimum qualifications of the ENERGY STAR program. And many of our product lines are ENERGY STAR qualified with some of the highest efficiency products available today.

Why Choose  Heil?
Total Cost Savings

The total savings of your current system and a new one depends on many factors such as the weather where you live, utility costs, your home’s energy efficiency, and your temperature setting preferences.

Many state governments and utility companies offer incentives for installing energy-efficient heating and cooling units. Incentives vary widely, but typically include tax credits, low interest loans, grants and rebates.

In warmer climates or areas with higher electric costs, most homes can benefit from a higher-SEER cooling unit. In colder climates or areas with higher fuel costs, a higher-AFUE gas furnace can be more economical. You may be able to compare annual operating costs of two systems just by knowing their efficiency ratings. Here are the measurement standards the DOE has provided for measuring efficiency:

At Prem-Aire Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc., if you need repairs, scheduled maintenance, or a brand new system installed, we can get the job done properly and efficiently. Call 312-474-2980 for all your cooling and heating needs.